Saturday, May 19, 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes

As you know, last weekend was Mother's day and I wanted to do something extra special to celebrate my mom. My mom is awesome and probably better than yours. Just saying. Plus, I wanted to surprise her. Usually I send her flowers the Friday before mom's day, but this year I wanted to put together my own bouquet for her and hand deliver it to her office. She's only 10 minutes up the road from my office so it would be the perfect lunch time stop. I knew I couldn't just deliver her flowers though - there had to be a sweet treat too! And if her office is anything like mine, I couldn't just bring in one cupcake. I had to bring in enough for everyone. I knew my mom would be mad for me bringing in treats (she is trying to be good, but I knew she couldn't resist this cupcake), but I decided not to listen to her. I usually don't anyways. Just kidding. Well, kind of. Loooove you mom!

The inspiration for this cupcake came from two sources - my mom's love of cookie dough and a huge batch of chocolate chip cookies the captain made a couple of weeks ago. In fact, he sent me home with about 10 cookies and guess how long it took me to finish them all? Let's just say they were all gone in a couple of days.  Darn him! I even put them in the back of the freezer to help myself forget about them, but guess what? They are just as good frozen. Darn it! They were so good and totally worth the week long of workouts I had to do to burn them all off. I love a good chocolate chip cookie. There is just something about it. I think I may have acquired my love of chocolate chip cookies from my mother. Ya, I'll blame her. Again, looooove you mom.

If you are a cookie dough lover, these cupcakes are for you. Cookie dough + cupcake. How can you say no! Pure cookie dough flavor from the cupcake to the filling to the frosting. Simply irresistible. There are a lot steps (not hard though!) to this cupcake, but I promise it will be worth the wait. Super dooper promise. If you want, you can even make the filling ahead of time (the day before) if you want. I did and had no issues with flavor or texture - just take it out about 30 minutes before you want to use it so it can soften a bit. That will make it easier to scoop and put in the cupcake.

cookie dough filling. tastes just like cookie dough. scary.

adding in the mini chips to the filling.

totally forgot to take a picture of the cupcake ingredients. oops. this is brown sugar, butter and eggs.

the best part - adding in the chocolate chips!

bowl is clean! I think the captain's grandma would be proud.

ready to bake!

whipping up a brown sugar, cookie dough frosting! Don't worry, the frosting is suppose to be gritty just like cookie dough!

ready to eat - topped with a mini choc chip cookie and mini chips. YUM!

bonus shot: momma's flowers

bonus shot: the captain's mountain of chocolate chip cookies. Don't you just want to eat them all? I do. I may have a problem.

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Cupcakes (

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